19 | 10 | 2016

Romeo and Juliet by Form VI

Form VI students have been working on Romeo and Juliet, and decided to perform different versions of this play to Form II and Form III students. Forms VI «B» and «C» adapted the play and did amusing puppet shows, and Form VI «A» staged a brillant performance.
18 | 10 | 2016

Form V – More about Shakespeare

Forms V  “A” and “B” have been working on WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE project. We put our hands to work in April and we have just finished it. As you can see, we have worked a lot! First, we dealt with William Shakespeare’s biography. We read about his days as a child, his family and his works….
15 | 10 | 2016

Kinder – Taller de construcción de tambores loneros

El 13 de octubre Miguel Ángel Luquez, del grupo de música para la infancia «Toco con poco», visitó VDS Kindergarten. Realizamos un taller para construir tambores loneros con materiales reciclados. Luego junto con la profesora Jimena hicieron que estos tambores marcaran el ritmo de diferentes canciones. (Más fotos)