06 | 10 2014

Teacher´s Day!

Teacher´s day is a very special day! By Ms Ruth Fraga

All along my career as a teacher and head I have prepared and celebrated this day, buy I have always had the same old feeling that words are not enough to express the admiration and gratitude you all inspire me!

I will try my best today with these few lines of sincere recognition:

February and March, the beginning of the a new school year. All teachers wondering about their new children, those new souls that are placed in our hands… All the love that takes preparing the new classroom that will be like a nest for our new group.

April, a lot of creativity an expertise is needed to think obout the planning, the big challege is ahead.

May and June, intuition and reflection is needed to get to know your sudents deeper, to establish bonds, to find suitable strategies for teaching… to prepare mocks!!!

July and August, very challenging monts…our sutdents face their first results… and we get very concerned and involved with their achievements.

September and October, we also need to become Drama teachers and get them to celebrate our school´s birthday. Spring is here and we must have a firm hand but also a warm heart! Open classes need slillful minds!!!

November and December, our year is getting to its end. Our bird are ready to fly on their own. They sit for exams, and it seems we do too!!

Love, creativity, expertise, facing challenges, intuition, affection, strategic thinking, concern, skillful minds are words that describe you all VDS teachers!

Happy teacher´s day!         (View photos)

Miss Ruth


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