06 | 10 2014

Form VII – Outing

Automobile museum outing

Automobile museum outing sep 16th 2014 032 (View more  photos)

Last Tuesday we visited the Automobile Museum of the city of B.A. There we sawlots of cars and learned a lot of interesting things about them. Many of them were very old and others were used for car races such as Fangio’ and Galvez’s cars.

Our favourite cars were the Rolls Royce, Fangio’s Torino and the Monster truck. We also liked when they showed us a movie in a small cinema in the basement.

All in all, we really enjoyed our time at the museum and we would love to go back some day in the future.

BY Ornella Senarega, Agustina Zecchi and Francisco Riera-7th A


Last Tuesday we went to the Automobile museum of the city of Buenos Aires located on Irigoyen and Tinogasta street, in Villa Real neighbourhood. It was really near school and we enjoyed it a lot. We saw lots of old cars and the ones we enjoyed most were the Hudson, the Monster truck, which wasn’t that old, and the Institec Justicialista.

After learning about the cars, we went outdoors to see what an old gas station was like,  and we saw double decker buses.

In the end, we went to the “microcine” and we watched a short movie about a mini cooper called Suzy.

All in all, going to the museum was really fun and interesting.

By Emilia Ferrari, Ezequiel Díaz and Camila Dimitrijevich-7th A

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