14 | 04 2016

Form VII A – Videos, Poems and Rhymes

As an after-reading activity, Form VII A  students made up creative poems based on the story read: «Frindle», they  had to make use of the vocabulary and structures learned and make the poem rhyme, of course!
Enjoy them!!

First day of school 

First day of school,

It will be very cool.

Meet my friends again,

And play with them at break.

Mrs. Granger teaches us language,

She is very strict too.

And she always gives us homework,

I never want to do.

I used to sidetrack teachers,

In that I never fail.

But this time the teacher knew,

All the tricks to delay.

Don’t peek at the clock,

Pay attention in the class.

If not you will have a test,

And a two will be your mark.

By  Mateo Geada, Tazio Terbizan, Juan Manuel Abad, Sofía Del Pozo.

How to sidetrack your homework

 Welcome back to school

You will learn a lot of rules

Although there´s sleet or hail

We will always play.

 If you want to sidetrack your homework

Don’t doubt and ask nick

He will help you with your question

Even though the teacher is mean.

 He is an expert on delaying question

With his teacher-stopping questions,

He will blow your mind

And make a shutdown

 Some kids will smile

Others will peek at the clock

But Mrs. Granger won´t fail

Because she knows when kids play.

 By Martin Lascano, Chiara Mendillo,  Agustin Pilotto and Luna Basso

Nick´s First Day of Class

Nick´s first day of class

Was not that easy,

When it was time for recess

He was very busy.

After recess

He had Language Arts,

With Mrs. Granger,

Who had her hair done up in a bun.

He thought his plan

Was a success,

But when he realized

He had failed.

By Catalina Romero, Augusto Cánepa Cervini, Maxi Langone and Lorenzo Senarega.


Mrs. Granger’s business Class!

One, two, three

Time to get ready !

Four, five, six, seventh’s period bell rings

 When you start Mrs. Granger’s class

 You may become mad

No matter if it rains, hails or shines 

She always wears her uniform to class.

 By Francesca Sinagra,  Valentín Saramaga, Alejo Dumanjó, Lautaro Martínez


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