05 | 04 2018

Floating on a Sea of Talk

Storytelling is a great way to improve children’s oral fluency and help them understand concepts that underpin literacy and literature. Stories are ways to create a sense of events and exchanges, they teach us how to make assumptions, inferences and anticipate consequences. They also build a sense of narrative structure and develop deep kinds of cultural and historical understanding.

In addition, storytelling can use its empathic power to raise significant moral dilemmas, challenging listener perspectives and inviting ethical debate. It can engage children with philosophical and ethical issues and open windows to new bewildering worlds….

At school stories are central to our curriculum and storytelling sessions are carried out on weekly bases by teachers, professional storytellers and parents who love words and children.

VDS would like to thank Eugenia Domenech, Luna and Ambar’s mum, for joining our venture across reading and writing “floating on a sea of talk”

Thank you very much, Eugenia, for you warmth and commitment to our children’s education and upbringing.


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